
Blog Archives - 3 Record(s)

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Truth Ministry: Head To Heart

18 Aug 2019 03:44 PM

One of the greatest mysteries in Truth Ministry is how some truth struggles to journey from a person's head (intellect) to their heart (felt beliefs) and others do so very easily.

This is an introduction to that mystery.

The Meme (a 21st century version of John 1)

18 Aug 2019 03:39 PM

John 1 is one of my favorite sections in the whole Bible.

I made a re-visioned version of that chapter using the idea of The Meme in place of The Word.

The Try/Catch That Cried Wolf

14 Aug 2019 10:23 AM

There is a hack way of using try/catch blocks to bring simplicity to what would otherwise be complex code.

But we don't want our try/catch blocks crying wolf or our programs become inconsistent and needlessly complicated.