The True Four

I live in the upper midwest, where we are blessed to experience a true four seasons. We don't have a dry season and a rainy season. Nor do we have a warm season and a dry season. We have Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. The Spring is wet and muddy then green and bright. The summers are generally mild with only a few weeks of blistering heat (100ish). The Fall is superb - warm, sunny days with chilly nights and the brilliant natural fireworks display of the coloring leaves. Winters are moderately snowy and only a few weeks of sub zero temperatures. For those who aren't faint of heart and love variety, it is a weather paradise. If you don't like the weather on any given day, you know for certain that it will change soon.

Defining Perfect

There are many beautiful and magnificent moments of weather here. From the glorious Autumn sunset to a gentle breeze on a partly cloudy June day. From a misty rainfall in early April to the ominously howling breeze of a late October evening. Any of these can appeal to those who take the time to appreciate them.  But what stands out to me, what really makes me stop and take notice happens in the winter.

The Very Best

On rare occasions you can feel it: when there's no wind and it's cold enough to tickle your nose. When the sun sets early and light, flaky snowflakes start to fall from the sky. That is perfect to me. When I can see snowflakes near and far trickle down from the dark sky above in a gradual, poetic ballet of perfect precipitation that falls into silent and soft snowbanks on a January evening. That is perfection to me. The very best kind of weather.