I want to write good content to share.

To me, that's the point of sharing content in the first place, because you value the content you are sharing.

However, I've fallen into a form of perfection paralysis.

Not Ending

I have a number of posts that I've started from things that I actually care about and want to share to amusing things that I just wanted to get the right finishing touches on. Hasn't happened. It's not because I'm busy or that I don't care, I simply look at these posts and keep telling myself that they're not good enough to publish yet.

Never Starting

This has caused me to stop making new posts. Even when I fall on an idea or thought that I'd like to share, I find these unfinished posts and think "why bother". So, eventually I stop myself from even starting. This has basically paralyzed me from being able to do this.

To Start Again

I just need to post this as a way of crashing my own personal barrier. Hopefully it will remind me to not let my own standards get in the way of actually doing the thing that I want to do, which is share interesting and valuable content.